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Malenkiy Koshmar




Unity 3D


5 weeks

You and your squad have been sent to the abandoned city of Soska to Invistigate the strange events that occured.

To successfully complete your
mission, you will need to bring the required resources to the Moni-tower inside your base.

Be careful, your life is as
fragile as your light, and the darkness holds many unspeakable horrors, waiting for you to be alone


We did it for the "Platinum" project at the IIM Digital School in Paris.

Malenkiy Koshmar was my most
ambicious game yet, it took us some time to realise that our scope was too big at first and yet we managed to finish the game without cutting essential features.

This project was
challenging and very interresting because it was our first time working with producers and sound designers.
In the end we had a lot of
fun and everyone managed to step up in skills they wanted to upgrade.


Level Design and Level Art

I made Malenkiy Koshmar's theorical level design all by myself and I implemented most of it in Unity with the help of another designer.

Malenkiy Koshmar has 1 big level : a City, but it is separated in 4 main points of interests (the Streets, the Base, the Forest and the Spikes) and multiple small ones (parks and buildings).

Each point of interest has its own purpose : 
- the Base is the only safe zone and is where the player need to return to progress in the game.
- the Streets connects every points of interests and represent almost half of the map. Each Street is unique to help players navigate in the city.
- the buildings, the parks, the Forest and the Spikes are dangerous places the players need to explore to gather unique materials.

To make the City more immersive and easier to navigate, we spent some time decorating the each part of the map and it really helped a lot to enhance the clarity of our game (for exemple : cables that links closed doors to their respective pressure plates).


QA and playtest

QA and playtests where a big part of our production.
I and another designer spent a lot of time playing and testing all the features every time they were added or updated to make sure that everything was working correctly.
If it wasn't the case, we would either solve the problem ourselves or, if the issue was too complex for us, we would record the issue, explain how we got it and send it to the programmers.

We also planned a lot of playtests with different people to see their reaction and if they were able to understand everything in the game.
During these playtests sessions, I was behind the players taking notes of how they act in every situation, if they find any bug or issue we haven't found yet, if they understand everything, if something difficulty is balanced.
Overall, I was checking the current state of the game and planning the next tasks required to improove / fix the game.

Various Tasks

During the production, I took care of a few minor yet important tasks in Unity in between my main other works in the project : 
- I tweaked a lot of in game stats to balance the game's difficulty.
- I manually made all the assets colliders.
- I imported about half of the assets and textures in Unity.
- I implemented the ambiant sounds in each of the point of interests.
- I coded a moving light.
- I sorted the scenes hierarchy and the folders because it was a huge mess.
- I made and completed the asset list and sound list
- The main level design scene was used a lot by multiple designers and programmers. So to avoid any Github conflict, I made and updated schedules for that scene.

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