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4 Days
Viracocha is damn crazy, finally whip as he is, whip to move, after you tell me it's obvious he has no legs ... True fan of Indiana Jones, he wants to retrieve an artifact that is at least the Great-Golden-Hollow-Sacred in an Inca temple to whip the best eggs of his life. And how can you help him? By solving the riddles that each room of the dungeon will offer you.
Viracocha was my very first Game Jam, my very first project on a retro console (NES) and most importantly the first game I made with a team !
We did it for the Godfather Week at the IIM Digital School in Paris.
It was really challenging and stressfull but I still had a lot of fun making it and I learned a lot during these 4 days.
Gameplay Mechanics
Viracocha is a puzzle game based on the main character's movement, he can interact with objects / props at any distance in the 4 cardinal directions but he cannot move by himself.
Therefore we needed special props that will let the main character navigate in the level. That is why I suggested the 4 actual props :
- the red one that draws the player towards him.
- the white one that is pulled towards the player.
- the pink one that draws both the player and himself at the same time, moving them at mid-distance of each other.
- the brown one stoping anything getting in contact with him.
Levels design
Viracocha has 6 puzzle levels (including tutorials) and 1 auto scroller level.
My main role during the production was to design and build all the levels in the game. The 3 first levels are tutorials one for each mechanics, then the 2 next ones are real puzzle levels.
The 6th level is the auto scroller, I made it because I thought it would be interesting to use the puzzle mechanics in a different way.
The last one is the final level where the player just enter the treasure room and grab the Great-Golden-Hollow-Sacred to finish the game. I thought it would be better to make a small level where the player can manually go toward the objective than to simply have a cinematic.
I am quite proud of the results because we needed only 4 puzzle levels but my inspiration and the team's motivation gaved me the opportunity to express my creativity to the fullest and design 7 levels in total including the auto scroller which was a big twist in the original concept.
During Viracocha's developpement, the whole team was very motivated and we finished the game one day and a half before the deadline. During this time, I had already finished all the levels needed (including the spare ones) and therefore I had technically finished my job.
But since I wanted to still be useful to the team, I ended up lending a hand to a lot of my team members :
- I did the backgrounds on the games's trailer.
- I help researching for sound effects.
- I organised and sorted the files in Unity editor because it was a mess.
- I playtested the game to search for glitches.
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